Brexit and the Universe

I voted REMAIN yesterday, but to tell you the truth, I am not shocked or depressed with this result....I am just confused and bewildered.

We live in an age when we are incessantly bombarded and harangued with information (often inaccurate), asked to make absolute choices in a world that really only has two absolute certainties....we are born and then we die.

Truth is a much more ambiguous concept than we are prepared to accept...there are many truths, these truths are constantly shifting, and are riddled with contradiction and inconsistency. Contradiction is part of the DNA of truth. But in today's fast track pace and hunger for information, there is simply no room for subtlety and nuance.

NOBODY fits their assigned label or box, even when these are self-assigned...and when we fall into the trap of judging others in absolute terms - we become prejudiced ourselves...I am guilty of this. Holding ANY sort of strong conviction becomes very difficult, if we are wanting to stay in touch with the glorious truth (and all its inherent complexity). Unfortunately, radicals do not even attempt to temper their beliefs; they simply take over the narrative using any means at their disposal (lies, violence, corruption) because they are so very certain about their beliefs and judgements.

Although I voted REMAIN, I was never under any illusion about the European Union being the answer to all our economic/political/human needs - nor do I think that politicians in the United Kingdom (not so united anymore) will suddenly become beacons of integrity, either. With time, the prophets of doom (on BOTH sides of the political equation and in the journalism that constantly fans the flames) will all be proved right AND wrong...such is life; jobs will be lost AND created whether we are in or out of Europe...and we will all continue to live with two absolute certainties in our lives: we are born and then we die.

The UK, EU and our entire planet are but a tiny fraction of a moment in the grand scheme of Time and our Universe.

Wissam Boustany
‪#‎EU‬ ‪#‎UK‬ ‪#‎Brexit‬ ‪#‎Universe‬